Tanya Bondarenko, Mariia Videiko

Woman is the unique gift of the Universe - guest reviews


Tanya Bondarenko: My first encounter with the art of Oleksandr Kozaretskiy took place at the exhibition of his graphic works “Ukraine is Europe”, presented as well in the Museum of History of Kyiv. I was amazed at how skillfully the attentive artist depicted the affinity of Ukrainian and European historical architecture.

My second encounter with the painter turned out to be no less amazing – “Woman is the unique gift of the Universe” is artistic fantasy-reflection. Peculiar talent of the artist combined with inexplicable depth and laconism of Trypillian culture made the eternal themes sound in a new unique mystical-magical way. All the paintings of the cycle share the same style however every canvas has its individual palette, graphic solution, unique idea. Feminine images are deep, unconventional, powerful and full of light, as if radiating the very essence of Ukrainian woman.

 Mariia Videiko: I was struck by the embodiment of archetypal images, by the new vision of the symbols of mother, couple, sun and even Europe (abducted by the Bull). There is skilful unique combination of painting and ornament – and it makes difficult to determine the style of the paintings. Every canvas is a new woman, and color palette matches their individualities. The warm pulsation of rounded forms produces a special charm – again, the combination of painting and ornament results into a magical blend. My favorites are the painting with woman-weaver and abduction of Europe.