Balaban Olena, Candidate of Science in Philology, PhD, assistant Professor (General Linguistics and Germanic Studies Chair), Post-Doctoral Researcher, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
Education: Teachers’ Training Institute of Foreign Languages, specialty English and French Languages, qualification Teacher of English and French Languages
PhD research work on the theme “Metaphor as a Semantic Universal” (2006), specialty 10.02.15 – General Linguistics; assistant professor (2011)
Selected publications:
Балабан О.О. Лінгвокультурний аналіз фразеологічних одиниць з ономастичним компонентом в англійській та українській мовах / О.О. Балабан // Лінгвістика: зб. наук. пр. – Луганськ: ЛНПУ, 2012. – С. 11-21.
Балабан О.О., Чернік Л.І. Системні зв’язки фразеологізмів та семантичні можливості колоронімів в англійській мові / О.О. Балабан, Л.І. Чернік // Vox philology (Голос філолога): Збірник наукових праць. Випуск 2 / за заг. ред. к.філол.н. Назаренко Н.І. - Маріуполь: МДУ, 2013. – С. 33-45
Балабан О.О. Семантика фразеологічних одиниць на позначення гендерних стереотипів в англомовній картині світу / О.О. Балабан // Наукові записки: Серія: філологічні науки (мовознавство). – Вип. 129. – Кировоград: КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2014. – С. 270-274.
Балабан О.О. Лексико-граматичні трансформації при перекладі англомовних заголовків українською мовою / О.О. Балабан // Вісник ЛНУ ім. Т. Шевченка. - № 3 (286). – Луганськ: ЛНУ ім. Т. Шевченка, 2014. - С. 5-10.
3. Балабан О.О. Системний характер та семантичні особливості англійських кольоропозначень / О.О. Балабан // Наукові записки БДПУ. Філологічні науки. – Вип. IV. / гол. ред. В.А. Зарва. – Бердянськ: вид. БДПУ, 2014. – С. 122-128.
4. Балабан Е. А. Метафорические лакуны в художественном тексте: этнокультурный аспект. // Материалы I-й Международной научной конференции "Соловьёвские чтения - 2014". - Минск, изд. МГЛУ; С. 26-30.
5. Балабан О.О. Метафора як реалізація семантичної універсалії / The Third European Conference on Languages, Literature and Linguistics (10th of September, 2014). – Vienna, 2014. – P. 233-236.
Dr. Hab. Mykhailo Videiko
Dr. Hab. Mykhailo Videiko is a leading Ukrainian archaeologist specializing in the Copper Age period and particularly in the Trypillian culture. He received his Ph.D. from the Kyiv Institute of Archaeology in 1993. His scientific advisor was Dr. Mykola M.Shmaglij. Prior to his Ph.D. he graduated with Master degree in archaeology and history from the Kyiv Taras Shevchenko State University in 1982 and came to work for the Institute of Archaeology the same year progressively reaching a position of a Senior Staff Scientist. Dr. Videiko's developed number of specialized courses, which reflect his interests in a Social Archaeology and a Copper Age cultures. Lately he teaches courses at the National Kyiv-Mohyla Academy to students of the Archaeological Magisterium. One course is under the title of "Trypillian proto civilization" and covers a period of Trypillian culture between 5400 - 2750 BC on the territory of present Ukraine. His second course is titled "The ancient Farming cultures in Ukraine" and covers the Neolithic and Copper Age cultures in Ukraine and the nearest territories between 6500 - 2750 BC. Now he is working at "Borys Grinchenko" Kyiv University at Laboratory of Archaeology. e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.com Dr. Natalia Burdo Dr. Natalia Burdo, the Ph.D. in history and senior researcher at the Institute of Archaeology in Ukraine, wrote her Ph.D. thesis on the subject of "The Early Population Stage of Tripillian Culture Between Rivers Dniester and Southern Bug", which was presented and defended at the Department of Neolithic-Bronze Age at Archaeological Institute of Ukraine in 1994. She participated in the excavations of many settlements of the early Tripillian culture including Alexandrovka Tymkove, Slobidka West of Odessa region. She was part of field studies of settlements in Maydanetske, Talne 2, Nebelivka in the Bug-Dnieper rivers, burial “Lighthouses near Odessa”, Hatysche, Ihnatenkova Gore, Yancha-VI, Khomyn and the Kolomyia Yar in the Middle Dnieper. She also participated in the excavation of Durankulak (Bulgaria, 1976), the excavations of new buildings and freeways constructions in Poland, 2000. Dr. N. Burdo was a member of the international scientific research projects: Baltic-Pontic Studies, Trypillian Culture Mega-Sites and the mapping of the Tripillian settlements. The range of professional interests of Dr. N.Burdo includes studies of archaeological sources, the Neo-Neolithic era in Europe, the study of issues related to early-agricultural Copper Age cultures, including Trypillian culture. The key areas of her research is directed to analysis of archaeological sources related to reconstruction of historical processes on the territory of Ukraine during the Copper Age period, including sacred customs, architecture, cultural and historical contacts of farming communities and the research of the history of the Tripillian culture including the issues of chronology and timing of the Copper Age archaeological cultures and the systematization of archaeological sources. Dr. N.Bordo is an author of 346 scientific papers including coauthor of monographs on archeology and ancient history of the Carpathian-Danube region. She was a member of the editorial board and the executive secretary of the "Encyclopedia of Tripillian Civilization" (2003-2004). She is a member of the editorial board of the present electronic Internet publication “Trypillian Civilization Journal” since 2010. |
Dr. Ihor Poshyvailo
Fulbright Scholar at the Smithsonian Center for Folklore and Cultural Heritage, Washington, DC. Project “Interpretation of Cultural Heritage in Museums: An American Experience for Ukrainian Practice”. Duration: September 2009 – June 2010. Born 1967 in Poltava in a family of famous folk potters from the town of Opishne. Ethnologist, PhD (1998, Institute of Art Studies, Folklore and Ethnology, National Academy of Sciences). Deputy Director, National Center of Folk Culture “Ivan Honchar Museum” (Kyiv), Chairman of the Kyiv Regional Branch of the National Union of Folk Art Masters, Founding board member of the Ivan Honchar Foundation, Expert of the State Art Commission of the Ukrainian Ministry for Culture, member of editorial board of the Folk Art and Ukrainian Ceramology magazines. Expert of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Author of the award-winning book "Phenomenology of Pottery (semiotic and ethnological aspects), 2000; as well as numerous articles on the problems of traditional art and culture, ecology of traditional cultural environment, problems of cultural heritage preservation in a variety of publications including Folk ArtMagazine, Fine Arts Magazine, Artania Magazine, Ukrainian Ceramology Magazine, Folk Creativity and Ethnology Magazine, Ukrainian Ceramology Annual Collection Book, Welcome to Ukraine Magazine, Eastern Review (Lodz, Poland). Essays in books including Ukrainians: historic-ethnographic monograph in two volumes (1999), Symbol, Myths and Ritual (2000), Materials to Ukrainian Ethnology (2002), Ukrainian Embroidered Ritual Towels (2003), Museology in Ukraine (2004), Tradition and Culture (2005), Ukraine and Ukrainians: historic-ethnographical art album of Ivan Honchar (2006-2009). Editor and compiler of the Ukraine and Ukrainians: historic-ethnographical art album of Ivan Honchar (in 10 volumes) Curator and participant of research expeditions to Great Britain, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany and France in 1992, 1994. Head and participant of a number of international projects on safeguarding folk arts and crafts in Ukraine and promotion of international cooperation in the field of traditional culture. Participant of international conferences including the European Council’s Conference on national identity (Hungary, 2001), UNESCO’s Conference on Proclamation of Masterpieces of Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage (Hungary, 2002), Conference of the EU Culture-2000 Program (Hungary, 2004), 4 Regional Museum Conference (Romania, 2008), World Symposium on Traditional Arts and Culture (Turkey, 2009). Co-moderator and co-organizer of the Museum management seminars in Ukraine provided by the Fund for Arts and Culture in Central and Eastern Europe (USA) and the US Embassy in Ukraine. Participant of the International Visitor Program (USA, 2004), Global Youth Exchange Program (Japan, 2004) and The World Master’s Festival in Arts and Culture (Korea, 2007). Holder of the International Charitable Fund “Ukraine-3000” Scholarship (2005–2006) and Honorable Man of Arts Title (2008).
Dr. Constantin Emil Ursu Archaeologist, Director General of the Museum of Bucovina, Romania. Dr. Ursu excavated and studied Precucuteni and Cucuteni Culture in Romania for many years. In 2005 he published number of volumes on Anthropomorphism and Symbolic Behavior in the Neolithic and Copper Age Communities of South-Eastern Europe (co-author, 2014), the first maps of Bukovina (coauthor, 2013) and Bucovina District Plan in 72 sections (coauthor, 2011). Dr. Ursu was nominated in Memory and History categories for the activities in The Bucovina Museum. In August 2015 with his participation was completed restoration of the Citadel of Suceava and started construction of a permanent exhibition that will present this work as a military entity. In collaboration with specialists from Ukraine and Moldova was started work on Encyclopedia Cultural Complex Precucuteni-Cucuteni-Tripoli which is scheduled for completion in 2016. It will be the largest initiative of its kind in Europe. Dr. Ursu participated in organisation of the ninth edition of the Festival of Medieval Arts "Stefan cel Mare", the fifth edition of the Festival Bucovina Rock Castle and the ninth edition of the International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic Bucovina ("Ukraine: War and Peace"), etc. The six volumes about Museum was published between 2007-2015. The Bukovina were honored with many awards from the Romanian Academy. |
Dr. Alexey Nikitin
Dr. Alexey Nikitin is an Associate Professor of Biology at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan. He holds a Ph.D. in genetics from Bowling Green State University in the area of population and evolutionary genetics, and an M.S. (with Honors) degree in genetics from T. G. Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Dr. Nikitin's research interests are in human population genetics and archeogenetics. ............................................................................................................................. Dr. STROKAL OLEXANDR
The candidate of philological sciences (Ph. D.), the lecturer at the Department of Ukrainian language and applied linguistics of the Institute of Philology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Research interests: Ukrainian language; the features of creating new words in modern Ukrainian language; grammatical meaning of word forms and grammatical categories of parts of speech; author's word formation and poetics of idiostyle; the norms of modern spelling and automatic text editing. Strokal O.M. was born on the 27th of November 1984 in Kyiv. He finished studying in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (specialty "Ukrainian language and literature") and received a master degree in philology, a specialist in Ukrainian language and literature in 2007. Strokal O.M. defended his thesis on the specialty 10.02.01 - Ukrainian language on the subject: «Individual author word in the system of artistic idiolect (based on V. Kolomiets’s and P. Movchan’s poems)». From 1 September 2010 to June 2011 he had been working as a lecturer at the Department of modern Ukrainian language of the Institute of Philology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. From 1 September 2010 to present he has been working as a lecturer at the Department of modern Ukrainian language / Ukrainian language and applied linguistics of the Institute of Philology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Study Materials: Guidelines for course "Practical works of spelling" for students of specialty "Literary Creativity, the Ukrainian Language and Literature", 2014. Guidelines for course "Practical works of spelling and orthoepy", 2015. Publications The features of individual-author's word-formation of neologisms-verbs in Pavlo Movchan’s texts // Украински и балкански междудисциплинарни изследования, 2013. – P. 64-69. The timeless word (on the 80th anniversary of the birth of Kolomijets) // Ukrainske movoznavstvo. – Vol. 45/1, 2015. – P. 384-390. The individual-author’s nominations of time concepts // Trypillian civilization journal (e-journal, USA). – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.trypillia.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=185:strokal-o-the-individual-authors-nominations-of-time-concepts&catid=88:linguistics&Itemid=98 Poetic of space // Trypillian civilization journal (e-journal, USA). – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.trypillia.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=188:o-strokal-poetic-of-space&catid=88:linguistics&Itemid=98 Poetics of individual-author's floronyms in Vladimir Kolomijets’s texts // Poetic of individual-author's word-formation with temporal semantics // Ukrainske movoznavstvo. – Vol. 46/2., 2016. – P. 160-165. Poetic of individual-author's nomination of concept of chronotope (based on V.Kolomiets’s and P. Movchan’s poems) // Visnyk of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv : Literature. Linguistics. Folklore, 2016. – Vol. 1(26). – P. 34-37. Contacts Phone: (073)050-06-30 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011260331208 ............................................................................................................................ Dr. OLENA BALABAN Balaban Olena, Candidate of Science in Philology, PhD, assistant Professor (General Linguistics and Germanic Studies Chair), Post-Doctoral Researcher, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University Education: Teachers’ Training Institute of Foreign Languages, specialty English and French Languages, qualification Teacher of English and French Languages PhD research work on the theme “Metaphor as a Semantic Universal” (2006), specialty 10.02.15 – General Linguistics; assistant professor (2011) Study materials: Балабан О.О. Сучасні лінгвістичні теорії: навч.-метод. посіб. [для студ. вищ. навч. закл.] / О. О. Балабан, О .В. Ситникова. – Маріуполь : МДУ, 2010. – 294 с. Англійська мова. Підручник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів. (для рівня B 1) / За заг. ред. проф. Т. С. Толчеєвої. У 5-х частинах. – Ч. 1-5. – К.: Вид-во НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова, 2014-2017. Publications: Балабан О.О. Опис семантичної універсальності метафори завдяки процесу концептуалізації // Актуальні проблеми іноземної філології: лінгвістика та літературознавство: міжвузів. зб. наук. ст. – Вип. IV, ч. І. – Бердянськ: БДПУ, 2011. – С. 99-105. Балабан О.О. Еквівалентність метафорично-аксіологічої концептосфери з семіотичним протиставленням чистий/брудний (на матеріалі англійської, французької, української та російської мов) / О.О. Балабан // Нова філологія: зб. наук. пр. – № 45. – Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2011. – С. 8-11. Балабан О.О. Процес формування змістового ядра полісемантичного слова (на прикладі дієслів відношення «частина-ціле») / О.О. Балабан // Наукові студії. Збірник наукових праць викладачів кафедри англійської філології МДУ. Випуск 1 / за ред. к.філол. н., доц. Назаренко Н.І. - Маріуполь: МДУ, 2012. - С. 4-11. Балабан О.О. Процес формування змістовного ядра полісемантичного слова (на прикладі дієслів відношення «частина-ціле») / О.О. Балабан // Актуальні проблеми іноземної філології: лінгвістика та літературознавство: міжвузів. зб. наук. ст. – Вип. VІІ, ч. І. – Бердянськ: БДПУ, 2012. – С. 42-48. Балабан О.О. Лінгвокультурний аналіз фразеологічних одиниць з ономастичним компонентом в англійській та українській мовах / О.О. Балабан // Лінгвістика: зб. наук. пр. – Луганськ: ЛНПУ, 2012. – С. 11-21. Балабан О.О., Чернік Л.І. Системні зв’язки фразеологізмів та семантичні можливості колоронімів в англійській мові / О.О. Балабан, Л.І. Чернік // Vox philology (Голос філолога): Збірник наукових праць. Випуск 2 / за заг. ред. к.філол.н. Назаренко Н.І. - Маріуполь: МДУ, 2013. – С. 33-45 Балабан О.О. Філософський вимір у трактуванні універсалій / О.О. Балабан // Наукові записки. – Серія: Філологічні науки: збірник наукових праць. – Вип. 153. – Кропивницький: Вид-во Лисенко В.Ф., 2017. – С. 554-559. Балабан О.О. Поняття ментального лексикону та моделі організації знань у пам’яті людини / О.О. Балабан // Психолінгвістика: [зб. наук. пр. ДВНЗ «Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагогічний університет імені Григорія Сковороди]. – Вип. 21(2). – Переяслав-Хмельницький: ФОП Домбровська Я.М., 2017. – С. 12-26. Балабан О.О. Прототипічний підхід до категоризації дійсності та класифікації прототипів / О.О. Балабан // Актуальні проблеми романо-германської філології та прикладної лінгвістики: наук. журнал. – Вип. 1(14). – Чернівці: Видавничий дім «РОДОВІД», 2017. – С. 46-49. Балабан О.О. Категоризація як базова когнітивна процедура / О.О. Балабан // Наукові записки. Серія «Філологічні науки» (Ніжинський державний університет імені М. Гоголя). – Кн. 1. – Ніжин: НДУ ім. М. Гоголя, 2017. – С. 47-52. |
Nicholas Ponomarenko
Mr. Nicholas Ponomarenko is Coordinating Editor, the founder and owner of the www.trypillia.com website. Mr. N. Ponomarenko met Dr. M. Videiko in year 2000. He became interested in the Trypillian culture, which led to the creation of "The Trypillian Civilization Journal". Contacts: |
Trypillian Civilization Journal (TCJ) is online Journal for professionals from a variety of scientific fields. The scope of the journal includes, but is not limited, to archeology, anthropology, human population genetics, human ecology, ethnobiology and human bio-geography. Articles from related fields will also be considered.
The Trypillian Civilization Journal is an international peer-reviewed publication devoted to the multidisciplinary study of the origins of the human populations, cultures and societies from the North Pontic lowlands to the Dnieper river regions (area roughly encompassed by the Danube and Dniper river valleys), and of the socio-cultural forces that shaped these societies. The journal is dedicated to the free exchange of concepts and ideas and aims at the dissemination of information from and among the scientific communities whose access to Western peer-review publication outlets has been traditionally limited. The journal will publish original research and reviews on topics within the journal’s focus.
TCJ is an open-access journal freely available on the internet. TCJ is indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and is linked to all major internet searches such as Google and Google Scholar.
The language of submission is English. Articles in Ukrainian and Russian will also be considered. The online submission and editing capabilities will be available directly to the authors, but for the first submission we prefer to contact our Editing Board member. It is the responsibility of the authors to proofread their manuscripts. Manuscripts should be submitted online, by e-mailing the manuscript as an attachment in MS Word or HTML format. For initial consideration, figures and tables can be embedded in the text. Upon acceptance of the manuscript, the authors will be asked to submit high-quality images and the specified text format if required.
Anybody interested in submitting a scientific manuscript should contact the managing director Mykola Ponomarenko at the contact information provided below for distribution of the manuscript to the members of the Editorial Board.
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